Geohashing KML Calculator

KML Calculator

date Date: yyyy-mm-dd - if blank, the date defaults to today - alternatively use -7 to 7, 1 means tomorrow, -2 is the day before yesterday.
lat Latitude: -89 to 89 - if blank, the latitude defaults to 51 (Grenwich). Whole numbers please.
lon Longitude: -179 to 179 - if blank, the longitude defaults to 0 (Grenwich meridian). Whole numbers please.
clat Centre Latitude: -89.9999 to 89.9999 - optional view centre. It's OK to leave this blank.
clon Centre Longitude: -179.9999 to 179.9999 - - optional view centre. It's OK to leave this blank.
skins Skins: 0 to 6. The default is 1. This gives 9 hashpoints. 6 skins will give you 169 hashpoints.
debug Debug: Check this to get debuging information. The KML data will be shown as text.

Disclaimer: Do no damage. Don't disturb people, animals or the environment. Stay safe!

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